My lazy Crimean, I mean Phuket, days

My lazy Crimean, I mean Phuket, days

Ask me what day it is, and I couldn't answer. Every day here is a hot mess of coconuts, fruits, the sea, and the usual little work and daily coffee runs. It's not bad, just very... calm. Everybody everywhere speaks Russian, even the lady selling fruit. Though I struggle to understand her Thai-Russian accent.

Follow me along on my yesterday, which could have been any day.

Waking up way too late, jumping straight on the bicycles heading for our usual cafe.

Or the café, I might say, since it's like the only one in this little village, The AppleTree Café. It's not that good, to be honest, but it's nice to get away from home a bit.

To our big shock, the place was closed though! I felt my mood quickly fall and almost wanted to cry, but Alex is a genius and came up with the idea to walk into the village resort and find their espresso machine! I love his brains.

So, finally with a coffee – unfortunately, not a very good one here either – we sat down there to work.

After some hours, we took our bikes home because the fruit hour was nearing. That is, it was time for our daily huge fruit salad.

It's so tasty, even though the photo is super ugly, and takes approximately forever to cut up.

After fruit hour I'm sure I killed another hour on something unimportant, but then came beach hour at around 15 o'clock so we headed out again.

The weather is unpleasantly hot, so I always lie collapsed in the shade, dreaming of Nordic chilly seasons, sipping on a cold coconut. After finishing the coconut, I walk down to the sea and throw myself in. Alex always goes into the water slowly and painfully.

After the beach, we head home. I maybe pamper myself with a face mask and a ginger beer. We stayed in for dinner yesterday, a little stewy thing I made and forgot to photograph.

Before bed I needed to move my body, so we jumped down the road to the beach again.

Alex tried to show me some star formations but failed and blamed the nearby airport. A bird in a tree made a funny song, and I answered it, but all I got back was silence.

All in all, it was a good and cute day, just like every day.